Council Officers


Council President – Hon. Jennifer Rogers

  • Supervises the council and its officers.
  • Assures that chartered duties and obligations, both national and local, are met.
  • Presides at meetings of the council, Executive Board, and Executive Committee and operations meetings.
  • Is ex-officio member of all committees.
  • Appoints chairmen of council operating committees, with the approval of the board.
  • Serves as a National Council Representative for the Northeastern Pennsylvania Council

Executive Vice-President – Andrew Kudasik

  • Serves as an understudy to the Council President in preparation to succeed the President.
  • Assumes the responsibilities and functions of the Council President in the President’s absence.

Vice-President Finance – James Bone

  • Attends executive board meetings and reports to the board in field of responsibility
  • Attends Executive Committee meetings and lends expertise to the decision-making process
  • Develops annual program plans for the council through the following committees:
    • Council Board Friends of Scouting
    • Distinguished Citizens Award Dinner
    • Eminent Eagle Scout Dinner
    • Clay Shoot
    • Endowment & Investment
    • Heritage Society
  • Helps devise fundraising plans and methods and gives guidance to the goal setting and budget building process.
  • Chairs Council Finance Committee.

Vice-President Administration – Nicholas Mattise, Esq.

  • Attends Executive Board meetings and reports to the board in field of responsibility.
  • Attends Executive Committee meetings and lends expertise to the decision-making process.
  • Gives leadership to the nominating committee process.
  • Performs the following functions as needed:
    • Bylaws
    • Council Insurance
    • Risk Management
    • Service Center Operations
    • Employee Benefits
    • Technology
    • Audit
  • Assumes other responsibilities as assigned by the president.

Vice-President Membership & Marketing - Amy Huntington

  • Attends Executive Board meetings and reports to the board in field of responsibility.
  • Attends Executive Committee meetings and lends expertise to the decision-making process.
  • Gives leadership and support to ScoutReach Chair helping ensure that Scouting's reach is to those youth in under privileged homes and neighborhoods.
  • Helps set and achieve goals so the Northeastern Pennsylvania Council advances on the Journey to Excellence.
  • Gives leadership to the selection and training of membership chairs, fall school night for scouting chairs, and other membership campaign chairs.
  • Establishes plans to build stronger relationships with Scouting’s chartered partners through relationship committee chairs.
  • Works with various committees to promote Membership/program and public relations

Vice-President Operations – Bryan Fisk

  • Attends Executive Board meetings and reports to the board in field of responsibility.
  • Attends Executive Committee meetings and lends expertise to the decision-making process.
  • Oversees and provides leadership to the following functions:
    • Strategic Planning
    • District Operations
    • United Way Relations
    • Dan Beard Cabin
  • May assume other projects or responsibilities as requested.
  • Serves as a National Council Representative for the Northeastern Pennsylvania Council

Vice-President Program –  J. Croom, III, PhD

  • Attends board meetings and reports to the board in field of responsibility.
  • Attends Executive Committee meetings and lends expertise to the decision-making process.
  • Develops annual program plans for the council through the following committees:
    • Advancement / Eagle Review Board
    • Cope/Climbing
    • Council Activities
    • Council Camping & Properties
    • Council STEM Program
    • Order of the Arrow
    • National Jamboree
    • Training
  • Helps set and achieve goals so the Northeastern Pennsylvania Council advances on the Journey to Excellence
  • Assumes other responsibilities as assigned by the president.

Council Commissioner - Rick Stritzinger

  • Attends Executive Board meetings and reports to the board in field of responsibility.
  • Attends Executive Committee meetings and lends expertise to the decision-making process.
  • Presides at the council commissioner staff meetings.
  • Helps train district commissioners.
  • Communicates with district commissioners by telephone, letters, personal conference and on-the-job coaching.
  • Plans and conducts an annual commissioner’s conference.
  • Reviews reports with district commissioners on extent and quality of service to all units.
  • Coordinates and is responsible for:
    • Rechartering of all Scouting units.
    • Helps set and achieve goals so the Northeastern Pennsylvania Council advances on the Journey to Excellence.
  • Serves as a National Council Representative for the Northeastern Pennsylvania Council.

Council Treasurer – Mike Minello

  • Attends Executive Board meetings and reports to the board in field of responsibility.
  • Attends Executive Committee meetings and lends expertise to the decision-making process.
  • Prepares an annual budget for board approval.
  • Maintains relations with area United Ways and meets annually with them to review proposed budgets.
  • In cooperation with the Executive Committee, approves expenditures of funds.
  • Ensures that standard accounting procedures are used in the council.
  • Presents annually to the board a certified audit, with the assistance of the audit committee.

Immediate Past President – Charlie Jones

Legal Counsel – Justin Sulla, Esq.

Scout Executive – Kevin Bishop

  • Attends Executive Board meetings and reports to the board on the condition of the council.
  • Attends Executive Committee meetings and reports to the Executive Committee on the condition of the council.
  • Is Chief Executive Officer of the corporation and has the general direction of the administrative work of the corporation, subject to the authority and direction of the Executive Board.
  • Secretary to the Northeastern Pennsylvania Council, the executive board, the executive committee, and all other committees of the executive and district committees, and is a member ex-officio of all committees of the executive board without vote except where otherwise provided.
  • Executes on behalf of the corporation all documents, deeds, and notes duly authorized to be executed.
  • Employs, with executive board permission, all other paid employees of the council and supervises their actions.

Executive Board Members

Peter Adonizio, Jr. Esq
Pedro Anes
Nisha Arora, Esq
Bernard Banks, Jr
John Basalyga
Karen Bianchi
Frank Castellano, Esq
Jerry Champi
John Croom, Jr.
Thomas P. Cummings, Jr.
Dominick DeNaples
Joseph DeNaples
Eric Fino
Marianne Gilmartin, Esq
Jim Gorman
Matt Hinton
Ty Holmes
Charlie Jones
Paul Kutish, DVM
Margaret Lipperini
Shayne M. (OA Youth Rep)
Mark McHugh
Larry Morton, PhD
Ted Poggi
Dave Price
Michael Ricci
Saul Rigau, DO
Ron Rogers
Warren Schloesser, Esq.
John Seasock, PhD
Rachael Stark
Donnie Stephens
Jim Widenor*
Bruce Zero, Esq

*District Chair